Monday, December 26, 2011

Perfect Stranger

In the dead of night, a girl walks into a lonely little bar minutes from closing up for the night. She asks for a glass of water, no ice, not even a straw. Who walks into a bar and orders just water? She sits in this bar, alone, empty. Just her and a barkeep desperate to go home and close up for the night.
A curious barkeep wonders what kind of night brings a beautiful woman to his bar at the early hours of the morning. He wonders who she is as he finds himself lost in eyes of emeralds, a completely hypnotic gleam that forces a glass to slip from his grip, shattering into pieces. The noise makes him jump, yet she does not so much as bat her eyelids.

He picks up the pieces of the shattered glass as she sips at the glass of water. He returns to being lost in those eyes, emerald green. A song comes on, and this song, it is his song, he smiles and closes his eyes as he awaits his favourite part. “I love this song”, she says, those words roll perfectly off of those lips spoken with a voice that resonates in his ears, and he replies with, “it’s my song, this playlist is actually comprised of my all time favourites”. She looks deep into his eyes with a strong desire to learn the contents of this playlist he speaks of.
The next song plays, she sings along, singing as though she had too like him played this song thousands of times before. Soon the clock strikes 4am and he says he needs to close up, she asks if they can at least go to the end of the playlist… He smiles and agrees as he knows full well that this playlist has another three hours of songs left. And for the next three hours they sit and they talk. In that time she gets through another 4 glasses of water. They talk of many things music, art, life, politics, dreams and aspirations. They just talk for hours, they listen to music and she seems to intimately know every song, she tells him her story and as good barkeeps do he listens intently clinging to every word she speaks. The sun rises and the sunlight floods into this underground bar, he has never seen this place lit by sunlight but more than that her eyes seem to look even more astounding in the sunlight.
The playlist draws to an end, she stuffs a napkin into his shirt and they leave as he closes up, she walks off into the distance. He reaches for his phone and the napkin in his pocket, only to find that this napkin has nothing but a list of 17 songs, some of which he has never heard. A cold chill strikes over him as he realises that he did not even get a name.

There now lies a playlist in his iPod, containing 17 songs, titled “Perfect Stranger”. There is a bar in the outskirts of this town, that has a napkin framed on the wall behind the bar and every time he hears the sound of footsteps descending into this bar he looks for emerald eyes that never seem to return....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It’s cute when girls want to be the big spoon. But guys love being the spoon for a few simple reasons:
We can sniff you hair, because for some reason it always smells so good. We get to kiss the back of your neck and wrap our arms tightly around you. We can hold your hands and stroke the back of your palms. We can tickle your stomach and feel the laughter running all through your back. We can feel your heart beat inside your chest and feel you breathing, and it’s always so soothing. We can whisper sweet nothing’s into your ear. We can pull you closer when we begin to feel you slip away. But most of all, we love it because it feels like we’re protecting you, the thing we love most in the world. The only thing worth protecting.


She’s been there for a few hours now, this ancient lady who lives across from me. Her face is so pale and her eyes are open only slightly. If you were to see her, you would mistake her for being not alive. But she breathes so deeply every so often, as though she wanted to preserve the scent of a world she has lost. She is a picture. Outside, there is life unfolding. The ancient woman looks at a landscape she does not recognize. Her home is surrounded by strangers and she is a cracked vase. I am tempted to leave her a fresh rose, so that she may kiss its colour back into herself.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The PROS of raising teenagers

Yes. Believe it or not, there are several advantages to parenting teens. Let's see if I can pull my brain together enough to get a few down here.

1. Teens are addicted to computers. If you own several computers the teens will leave you alone. That means they forget about food and phone calls and television. You can watch what you like, eat whatever you want and even talk on the phone without being bothered.

2. Teens sleep in, every day. This means you can sleep in as well, assuming you don't have a job to go to or a class... The house is very quiet when the teens are sleeping, nice and silent.

3. Teens will always eat pizza. If you forget to make dinner, pizza is only a phone call away.

4. Teens leave their dirty clothes on the floor. If you have a dirty carpet~NO ONE will ever know. They cannot see the carpet through the clothes.

5. Teens like to stay up late. You will never feel lonely again at 2am. Your teen will be awake with you.

6. Teens love to eat late at night. Here's your excuse for a midnight snack. "Oh hi honey, I was just making the kids some food." (He/she'll never know you planned on eating as well.)

7. Teens are messy everywhere~this means you can blame them even if you made the mess. This is very handy.

8. Teens NEVER fill the petrol tank. Something else you can blame on them. "Sweetie, I just filled it. Abhi must have used the car and all the fuel I put in it."

9. Teens forget to turn off lights. You'll never come home to a dark house while you have teens.

10. Teens eat lots. When they are old enough to drive, they are old enough to do the grocery shopping for you. This is very advantageous for those of us who detest grocery shopping.

For all of you who have younger children or no children, let's talk about teens. Don't be scared...well, really smart parents are scared. Teenagers are frickin' scary!


Dear Death --

I'm very close with my daughter who lives here in Heaven.   Just recently, she has gotten involved in a long distance relationship with a guy from Hell, and it's creating a lot of friction between the two of us.  I don't know what the guy did on Earth, but there are rumors that, among other things, he may have tried to make a puppy smoke a cigarette.  My daughter insists that he's changed and "paid his dues," but I am just not convinced.

Anyway, last week I went with her to visit him at his apartment in Hades, and lying next to his bed, I noticed a flesh eating demon's bra and panties.  How do I begin to break this to my daughter?  Please help, thanks.

"Own Private Hell"
West Heaven

Dear "Own Private Hell"  --
This is a wonderful question to ask the wise angel Issaac Van Norton, who solves people's problems in his acclaimed weekly Afterlife Gazette advice column: "Dear Wise Angel Issaac Van Norton."  I personally would be careful about telling her something she does not want to hear, as I have repeatedly seen a phenomenon called "killing the messenger." If your daughter is searching for true love, I know a lot of souls who had luck with "Cloud Nine Cyber Dating" -- though I've heard a few negative stories about people on the site lying about how many years they've been dead for, and also posting old pictures of themselves from previous incarnations.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Mom's Letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa,

I write this letter to you using my son's pencil... on the back of this bill statement while I do laundry.
I have been a good mother during this past year. I have fed, kept clean, and taken care of my kids accordingly. I have seen my kid's doctor more than I have seen mine. I have sold cookies and any otherbullshit thing to raise money for my kids' school activities.

Santa, I have never requested anything for myself after the age of ten, but I thought that perhaps this year could be an exception. As far as this piece of paper lets me write my wishlist down, I'll write down my requests:

I'd love a new pair of legs. I know, kind of difficult since you are not God, but doesn't hurt to try. Any color would be great, but purple -- I already have a set like that. Oh, and strong arms to help me keep away the kids from the grocery islands at the store while they throw their regular tantrums.

I also wish to have my pre-pregnancy belly back. And being realistic, I can be happy if you at least bring me a little bit of skin removal since my last pregnancy made it a little saggy. And this new waistline, I hope, it could be accentuated with, perhaps a new pair of jeans? One of those that are easy to button up would be fantastic!. No more laying down on my back and holding of the breath, I'll appreciate it.

I realize it might be late to request all of these, you are busy and probably have more moms requesting the same or more things. I don't blame you. It is my own fault for not finding the perfect secret place time to write to you this letter before. So, in case that my request can't be fulfilled, would you at least consider giving me this?... Time
  • Time to brush my teeth, shower and brush my hair in the same time slot, preferably in the mornings.
  • Time to eat my meals. No more out of a box ready-to microwave and finding them room temperature when I can finally eat them. And, while at it, can I be allowed to claim "veggies" as the tomato sauce in my pasta? That would really help with my conscience that gets beaten up on a daily basis by my mother-in-law or other parents when it comes to raising my kids.

So, Santa, laundry is finally done and the timer of the dryer has just kicked in. I gotta go, since my kid found out I've been here, hiding all this time and I think he wants his pencil back.

With love,

P.S. I used the latest cable bill statement, feel free to pay it if you think that is a better gift instead. Thank you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Sessions

Long Distance Relationship Songs:
This week's Saturday sessions is for all those beautiful people across the globe who are in a Long Distance Relationships (LDR).

Making it through another day in a long distance relationship can seem intolerable.That's true whether you're enduring the distance from different sides of the country, different sides of the track or opposite ends of the world. In far too many lonely moments spent looking for solace, music seems like it would be the perfect balm for the wounds of distance dating.

Long distance relationship songs are a great way to help deal with the pains of a being spatially separated from the one you love. Music is an expression of the mind, of one’s emotion, their inner feelings. By listening to music it can be easier for one to come to terms with some of the toughest of life’s problems. If there’s one thing which can constantly drive someone crazy it’s definitely love. Love and music have always mixed, from the earliest of days of ancient civilizations to the most cutting edge modern music of today.

So here goes my list:

Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's

Long Distance by Bruno Mars

Right Here Waiting For You by Richard Max

Long Distance Relationship by Asia Cruz

Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne

Also, here is a playlist for the long distance relationship songs:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Get Up!

here's to a bouncing
hole-in-one kind of week
don't know about you but watching this makes me think
that sometimes we must make God belly laugh
when we use the bodies he gave us to do amazing and wild things!!

Japan Earthquake'11: sign for the doomsday!

Stumbled Upon this in Tumblr... Touching....
for further reading-

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!

As the post title goes, and I mean it!:
"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

APPLE's Visionary C.E.O. lost his battle to pancreatic cancer 2 months and 2 days back - One more has transitioned on to the realm of the Ancestors.

In his Life & Work, Jobs stressed hard & focused, yet creative work. When you think of a your annoying boss throwing around the phrase "Think Outside the Box," besides the 1st flash of annoyance, the image of a true mastermind, Jobs could very well also come to mind. I'd bet if we did the due diligence, we come to find out Jobs had something to do with that phrase as well. :D

What more can i here at Crimson Room say??? This man, and his brilliant, brave mind revolutionized the way we compute, and single-handly made being a computer geek/techie/webmaster/all things web and digital-age related cool, not to mention profitable...for his generation, mine, and many to follow.

Mr, Steve Jobs, You are Greatly Appreciated, Your Insight & Vision will be sorely missed!

Sending Peace, Love, & Light to All Your Immediate Family, Apple Family, and the Entire World, because that was LITERALLY the Breadth of Your Vision, Mr. Jobs!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday Sessions

Here's a list of this weekend's Saturday Session:

1. I'll Look After You- Fray

2. I Miss You- Incubus/ Simple Plan

3. Take My breath Away- Berlin

4. Because You Loved Me- Celine Dion

5. So Happy Together- The Turtles


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